When I first started learning about eyelash extensions a few years ago, it sparked my interest and I took a short course which ended up being only 2 days. At the time, I didn’t think anything of the length of the course and thought it was normal. By the end of the two-day lash course, I got certified as a lash tech. I learned the basics of eyelash extensions on how to isolate, how to apply and very minimal knowledge on aftercare.
Most of the time I spent training, I applied lashes on two models, which means that left minimal time to learn theory and other information about products and such. After being certified, I practiced on friends and family to improve my speed and technique. After some practice I picked up a contracted job with a salon, I was the only eyelash technician in that salon. This meant I had no guidance and had to figure things out on my own… I never really thought too much into this until I met Naoko, Owner and Director of Divine Lashes in Toronto. Fast forwarding a few months down the line and I am in my interview with Naoko, I was really impressed with her knowledge on eyelash extensions and the products used. Something that really caught my eye was that Divine Lashes specifically caters to only eyelash extensions; whereas before I was in a hair/beauty salon.
Personally, coming to a salon that is dedicated to one or few services with a knowledgeable owner & manager in the services offered made me feel confident, and that I could trust the company. When I first started out at Divine Lashes, I thought I would be doing eyelash extensions right away and take clients right away because I was already certified. However, Naoko wanted to make sure that I had my technique down and made sure that I was applying correctly and confidently. During my two-day training, I was not taught how to properly check for stickies, Naoko made sure that I could successfully check for stickies on my models. Natural Lash health became a priority for me; clients who are returning clients should have healthy lashes or enter a recovery phase with a light set, and how can I continue applying lashes if they don’t have to apply to?
We take pictures of the client’s lashes before and after each time they visit, which will allow us to see and keep track of how their lashes are doing. This shows me how important it is to keep track of clients, it will ensure that their lashes are becoming healthier! We also keep detailed notes for each client, which allows me as a lash tech to do the best job I can. The trust, care and high standards at Divine Lashes make this brand more appealing to work for- and to visit as a client! There were many steps involved in my training with Naoko, such as the importance of aftercare and properly taping the under-eye area. All these factors made me realize that many other eyelash extension salons don’t take proper care of their clients to ensure their lash wellbeing.
For first time clients, we always hand out an aftercare package which includes a shampoo bottle for your eyelashes which to my surprise, some clients that I have met who have done extensions elsewhere, have not received or have been taught on proper care for their extensions! Every little detail and training I’ve done so far at Divine Lashes has made me a more knowledgeable and confident Eyelash Technician. This created a confidence in me which makes me both happy and eager to continue with the company.