We started “Lash Crimes” series in light of educating clients on proper application and to show the reality of eyelash extensions when not applied properly. A lot of our clients ask our lash artist’s

“How long have you been doing this?”

The truth is, if a lash tech had mediocre training and didn’t get a lot of practice before charging, it doesn’t matter how long they’ve been doing this. Our staff are re-trained before taking paid clients- even if they have prior training or experience.

A lash tech can have years of experience and be precise and meticulous with your lashes, or make them look good and not have done a good job. When getting extensions, most look amazing when you look at yourself in the mirror, it’s when you look down, or when your eyes are closed that error can be spotted.

Here is a client who booked for a removal, before the Divine Lashes eyelash artist started the removal she asked a couple of questions. We always want to get a little inside from our clients and understand their needs and concerns.

One of the first things this client said was “Something doesn’t feel right.” The eyelash tech knew just by looking at her blunt-edged lashes that there was in fact something off.

You can see we highlighted quite a few areas. First, we focused on why the eyelashes had blunt edges. The lady had said that she thought they were supposed to look like that because we cut them at the end. I repeat: She though all eyelash techs cut the extensions to shape and size.

Eyelash Artists should never have any type of scissors close to your eye. It’s completely unnecessary and dangerous. I have heard of clients saying this before… One of our lash techs even had a request once to cut the lashes so they look more “boxy”.


Next, the middle circle, you can see three extensions glued to a hoard of natural lashes. It’s messy and it’s damaging. If you pay attention to the space between the two extensions glued together, and the extension slightly further to the right, all the natural lashes have been pulled out! There are not as many lashes coming from roots as shown between the extensions!

The very last circle, furthest to the left shows a nailhead. In this photo, you can see that there is a huge cluster of lashes all glued together. This was one piece!

As explained in part one, when there are stickies, of any sort- it causes damage! No to mention these lashes were very thick compared to her natural lashes. Her lashes are severely damaged.

The good news? This lash tech isn’t in Canada… So you don’t have to worry about THESE lashes ever.

I want to break down that the damage was caused by:
  • Weight of the lashes
  • Stickies
  • Nail Heads

Which are all from improper education and application. This client took a break, but she came back for a recovery set! Her lashes are doing better than ever!

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