For you, spending time in a hot tub might feel delightfully soothing. But for your extensions, it’s a full-on fight for survival!

Hot tubs’ warm water, steam, and massaging bubbles make them irresistibly relaxing. But these characteristics also make going in a hot tub with lash extensions a hot topic among lash lovers.

Article at a glance:

  • Can I go in a hot tub with eyelash extensions?
  • Why hot tubs are bad for lash extensions
  • How to protect eyelash extensions in a hut tub

Let’s try to see things from your extensions’ position as we uncover the multiple threats they face when you jump in the tub.

Let’s dive in!

Can You Go Into a Hot Tub With Lash Extensions?

Don’t go in a hot tub during the 48 hours after having eyelash extensions applied to prevent loosening the bond between the extension fibers and your natural lashes. After this waiting period, limit or avoid going in hot tubs to improve the retention of your extensions.

Going in a hot tub within 48 hours of getting lash extensions can spoil your results. Even a short session in a hot, steamy tub during the first two days after your procedure can stop the lash adhesive from properly binding the extension fibers to your natural lashes for a long-lasting hold.

Your extensions don’t have to fight for life with all their might in the hot tub once they’ve made it through their first 48 hours, but hot tubs stay a danger zone for extensions the entire time you wear them.

Why Hot Tubs Are Bad for Lash Extensions

Reason #1: They’re Extremely Hot

Steamy hot tub.

Hot tubs can be as hot as 104°F.1 A high temperature like this can wear down the adhesive that attaches extensions to lashes, making them drop too soon.

Reason #2: They Have Powerful Jets

Strong jets in hot tub.

Get your lashes close to the hot water that shoots out tub jets, and you risk weakening the bond between the extension and the natural eyelash.

Reason #3: They Contain Chlorine

Chlorine measure in front of hot tub.

Chlorine slowly breaks down the adhesive that holds extensions and lashes together. So, every hot tub session shortens your extensions’ lifespan.

Reason #4: They Can Be Germy

Germ with trompet.

Hot, wet environments help bacteria thrive, so hot tubs can easily become contaminated if they’re not cleaned thoroughly. Thousands of infections have been linked to hot tubs swarming with bacteria.2 If certain bacteria splash into your eyes, they can trigger an infection that can make your lashes (natural and extensions) fall out and risk your eye health.

How to Protect Eyelash Extensions in a Hut Tub

  • Tip #1: Keep your sessions short, infrequent, and with a max temperature of 100°F.3
  • Tip #2: Wear goggles to protect your lashes from chlorinated water.
  • Tip #3: Don’t touch your lashes while in the tub. Hot, steamy conditions + rubbing = extensions that don’t last.
  • Tip #4: Make sure the tub is clean. Ask for the water’s free chlorine concentration (it should be at least 3 parts per million) and pH level (the ideal range is 7.2 to 7.8).4 Plus, watch out for warning signs like murkiness or sliminess.
  • Tip #5: Gently clean your lashes with an extension-friendly cleanser after you get out of the hot tub, then brush them when they’re dry. Wash the drying chlorine off your body while you’re at it!

The Bottom Line

Stay out of hot tubs for the first 48 hours after you get lash extensions to give your lovely new lashes a chance to create a strong-enough bond to help them stick around for weeks.

After the first 2 days, continue to skip the hot tub or take a quick dip only now and then in a tub that’s kept hygienic, and clean your extensions afterward.

With these tips in mind, you’ll enjoy your extensions for much longer!

– Asako 🙂

Additional Readings on If you want to learn more about whether or not you can do certain activities with lash extensions, check out my articles on saunas with eyelash extensions, tanning with extensions, and working out with lashes.


  1. Aaron Kassraie (2022). 4 Reasons to Think Twice Before Getting Into a Hot Tub. Retrieved from (Accessed on 3 October 2022)
  2. Stephanie Watson (2021). Hot Tubs: How Safe Are They? Retrieved from (Accessed on 3 October 2022) 
  3. See reference 2 
  4. See reference 2 

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