Key Takeaway

Yes, you can swim with eyelash extensions, but it’s important to wait at least 4 hours after your lash appointment before getting them wet. This waiting period allows the lash adhesive to completely cure.

I’ve lashed several clients who are avid swimmers. And I always get questions about swimming with eyelash extensions and the effects of salt & chlorine on their retention.

So in this guide, I wanted to cover everything you need to know so that you don’t have to part with your beautiful lashes each time you want to go swimming in the ocean or at the pool (that would be insanely tragic!).

4-Hours Waiting Period

To prevent your extensions from falling out prematurely, you must wait 4 hours after your lash appointment before getting them wet (this goes for showering, going to the pool, swimming in the ocean or the pool, washing your face, etc).

Why 4 hours?

Because that’s the time it takes for the adhesive to fully cure and form a strong bond.

Once this curing process is finished, you can splash all you want without the fear of loosing your extensions.

Fun Fact: I’ve written a geeky article explaining why you actually need to get your extensions wet. You can read it here.

Pro Tip: Want to know everything there is about lash adhesives? Read my comprehensive lash glue guide here!

Swimming in the Ocean

woman swimming in the ocean

You can swim in the ocean with lash extensions if you’ve already waited 4 hours after your appointment. While a quick dip is completely fine, extensive time presents a challenge for your extensions because of saltwater.

I’m warning you, prepare yourself for a nerdy explanation here 🤓.

The high salt content in ocean water creates a hypertonic environment compared to the normal moisture content of your natural eyelashes.

To achieve equilibrium, water molecules from within the natural lash fiber will move outwards towards the saltwater.

The result?

The dehydration and dryness of your lashes AND a weakened lash adhesive since it needs moisture within the natural eyelash to maintain a strong bond.

Thankfully, there’s a very simple solution.


Simply wearing a pair of goggles will protect your extensions from saltwater.

You’ll also get protection from the pressure exerted by the waves on your lashes.

The key is finding goggles that are big enough so that your extensions don’t rub against them when you blink.

Lastly, If you are planning a day at the beach, just carry a bottle of freshwater around so you can rinse your lashes after a swim.

At the end of the day, make sure to thoroughly cleanse your extensions with a lash shampoo.

Pro Tip: Check out my complete tutorial on how to cleanse your lashes the right way.

Swimming in the pool

you can go swimming in the pool with eyelash extensions, unless you got your lashes done less than 4 hours ago. That being said, soaking for hours on end isn’t recommended if you want your extensions to last a long time.

That’s because swimming pools, while less salty than the ocean, introduce another challenge for your lash extensions – chlorine.

Let’s put our nerdy hats back on.

Chlorine is a powerful disinfecting agent commonly used in swimming pools.

But how does it work exactly?

It has the remarkable ability to break down compounds by stealing electrons from them – this is a process called oxidation.

Can you imagine how bad this is for your extensions?

This oxidation reaction will break down the molecular structure of the lash adhesive leading to the obvious and inevitable premature loss of your extensions.

In addition, chlorine has a drying effect on the lashes similar to what saltwater does.

The solution?

Exactly the same as when you go to the pool.

Bring a good pair of goggles and make sure to properly cleanse your extensions after a swim.

Make a Splash!

It’s my job to give you a stunning set of extensions when you come to the salon but it doesn’t end there.

I also want to make sure that you have all the knowledge to keep them looking beautiful for as long as possible.

And that includes when you go for a nice vacation by the ocean or a casual dip in the pool 🙂

— Asako

Want to visit? Book an appointment with our Toronto, Montreal or Laval salons.
Ready to master lash artistry? Take a look at our courses.
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    1. Hi Michele, thank you for your comment! Do you mean your daughter tinted your eyelashes? If you swim on a daily basis you might notice that your extensions won’t last a long time. However if its just occasional basis lash extensions should be perfectly fine!

  1. Awesome information! Such a wonderful reference! Thanks for all the hard work you have obviously put into this!

    1. Hey Yippie! Thank you so much for the kind words! I do put a lot of efforts sharing this info. Your comment makes my day.

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