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  1. )different characters and although I had really long lashes I thought it would be better to have extensions which would be highlight my eyes from the stage and would save me time.
    I told the technician I wanted o Russian and I wanted them to be thick and noticeable. She didn’t offer me any choice of length. She just basically got on with it. There were three technicians all together side by side. It took about an hour 55 so I thought well. She must know what she’s doing is taking long time.
    When she finished and gave me a mirror she could tell by my face right away so I wasn’t happy. There was a distinct gap on one side. They were totally miss balance to each other. So I said says that she had to put extensions in this bit. That was just basically missing
    I could tell from my body language when I like back down that she wasn’t particularly pleased to be having to carry on the way past 2 hours by now. Plus they were literally the same length as my lashes and I wanted very exaggerated ones
    I said to her ,these look no different to be honest to my lashes if I’d layered up mascara.
    They start you to come off within a week to 10 days and we’re looking shabby to say the least. So I carefully removed them myself after 2 weeks and a couple of days but since then my lashes only grow to a certain length. They used to be really long and now they’re just shorter than they’ve ever been and I’m I loathed to have them done again.. about certain commitments are taking me down the path to have it done again What did I do wrong and what can I do right next time?

    1. Hi Beverley,

      I would suggest finding a technician that can do a better consultation then what you’ve described here. For our clients, we go in-depth about lengths, design, styling, etc. We also share pictures of various styles to make sure we hit the nail on the head.

  2. So I am one of those who had some poor work done for too long it seems. All my extensions are out, but I’m left with short, stubby lashes. This is really hurting my self esteem and I don’t even want to be seen right now. What can I do to improve this look while waiting for new growth??

    1. I’m so sad to hear this. To speed up the growth, you can try applying castor oil on your lashes. It’s my favorite DIY method. If not, a good lash serum with safe and natural ingredient is probably the best thing you can do. I’ve written a guide about the best ones here:

    2. Michelle ! I am going thru the same thing. I am besides myself. I am thinking of getting lightly tinted glasses to wear until my lashes grow. I also have been trying to google different eye makeup ideas to help but havent been to successful.

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