When people think of eyelash extensions, they picture celebs like Kylie Jenner, sporting a pair of lash extensions without fail.

However, eyelash extensions aren’t just for the younger generation. In fact, eyelash extensions for older ladies are becoming increasingly common, and more and more women in their 50s are getting their first pair of lashes!

At my lash studio, we sometimes have women asking “Am I too old for eyelash extensions?” So if that sounds familiar, this article is for you.

Article at a glance:

  • How old is too old for eyelash extensions?
  • Best Eyelash Extension Styles for Older Ladies
  • Lash mapping for mature eyes
  • How older ladies can strengthen their natural lashes

And don’t worry ladies — if you have been thinking about giving eyelash extensions a try, but weren’t sure if they would be right for you… then this blog post is for you! I’ll even share some pictures of my beautiful older clients rocking their lash extensions!

Let’s get started!

How Old Is Too Old for Eyelash Extensions?

Eyelash extensions can be worn by mature women safely and still look beautifully natural. It is recommended to use lighter lash extensions with older ladies since natural eyelashes tend to weaken with age and thus, can not support heavier extension weights.

Contrary to what you may have heard, there is no age limit for eyelash extensions.

Treatment is safe and effective for people of all ages. While some lash salons will not treat anyone under 16 years old, that is by choice and not because it is unsafe.

As an older lady, there are two main factors to consider when getting eyelash extensions:

  1. What your natural lashes can handle: Since eyelash extensions are attached one by one to your natural lashes, the health and strength of your natural lashes will determine the maximum weight of a single extension.

    This is a crucial factor your lash stylist needs to respect to preserve the health of your natural lashes and avoid damaging them. Your lash stylist can reduce the weight of the extensions by choosing a smaller diameter and shorter lengths.

    According to research, advancing in age results in a significant decrease in eyelash length, thickness, and darkness. The authors photographed the natural lashes of 179 women to quantify these 3 characteristics.[1]

    This study corresponds to what I have seen with my clients.
  2. What you are comfortable with: Styling is a matter of personal preferences. Some clients prefer a slight enhancement that looks super natural while some others prefer something more noticeable. We will discuss the best styles for mature eyes below.

Best Eyelash Extension Styles for Older Ladies

Most of my older clients opt for one of the two following styles:

  1. Natural Sweep Style: This style uses shorter lengths on the inner corners of the eye while using the same length throughout the rest of the lash line.
  2. Dolly Style: This style uses the longest lengths in the middle of the eye while using shorter lengths in the inner and outer corners of the eye. This style helps the eye look rounder and bigger.
Eyelash extensions for mature eyes before and after picture

There are many types of lash extension styles to choose from these days, but it is important to choose the right one that suits your eyes’ shape and size.

Similarly, the look you wish to achieve will also determine the kind of eyelashes you opt for.

In general, the best eyelashes extension styles for older ladies are the ones that are most natural-looking and open up the eye. That way, the client can be confident in her choice before adding more should she want to.

Pro Tip: Avoid longer lash extensions on the outer corner of the eyes. This might make the eyes appear more droopy. This is generally used to achieve a Cat-Eye style which typically doesn’t look good on older women. Find out which eyelash extension style is better suited for your eye shape here!

Lash Mapping for Mature Eyes

Like many people, you may have droopy eyelids, which can make you look sad even when you are not.

The more we age, the more our eyelids tend to droop. It is a natural part of aging and there’s nothing we can do about it except wait for the day when it happens to us.

When we age, our skin begins to lose elasticity, so it gradually becomes loose and flabby. This is why wrinkles form on our faces and neck. What causes the skin around our eyes to sag is that the muscles have lost their elasticity as well.[2]

Why Droopy Eyelids Matter When Choosing Lash Extensions

The excess skin that droops will cover part of the base of the natural lash. This gives the impression that the natural lash is “hiding” underneath the skin.

Remember those eyelash extensions are applied individually to each natural lash. Therefore, the base of the extension will also be hidden.

Best Lash Map for Droopy Eyes

So, how can we make our eyes look younger with lash extensions even when we have droopy eyelids?

First, it is recommended to use longer lash extensions to compensate for the part of the natural lash that will be hidden by the droopy eyelid.

However, your lash stylist needs to adjust the weight of the extension by reducing the diameter to make sure the natural lash can support it.

Second, you can use more pronounced curls. I generally recommend D or L curls for clients with droopy eyelids.

How Older Ladies Can Strengthen Their Natural Lashes

As we now know, the maximum weight of a lash extension that can be applied is limited by the health and strength of the natural lash.

One way to improve the strength of your natural lashes is by using a lash serum. You can even use a lash serum while wearing eyelash extensions at the same time!

With the lash serum, women can keep their lashes longer and also get fuller lashes. This is a great benefit for older women who want to look younger and more vibrant.

Lash serums have been developed with a formula that helps restore the lost moisture in your lashes.

After using this product for a few weeks, most of my customers had noticeably stronger natural lashes which gave us more options in terms of looks and styles to choose from.


Is 60 too old for lash extensions?

Not at all. Several women in their 60s get their lashes done regularly. Natural-looking styles are generally preferred for mature ladies.

Do fake eyelashes make you look older?

Not at all. It’s quite the contrary in fact since longer and stronger eyelashes are associated with youth.

What’s the best lash extension length for older clients?

The natural lash shouldn’t be extended by more than 2 mm. Because eyelashes become thinner as we age, going above that limit risks damaging the natural eyelash.

Final Thoughts

Like most of my friends, I am embracing the aging process.

Eyelash extensions can be a great way for older women to make themselves look younger and vibrant.

They come in more natural styles that are less of a fashion statement. Lash extensions shouldn’t intimidate you because of your age.

I have lashed many older ladies over the years and can assure you that the result is gorgeous.

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, just take a look at this beautiful lady!

Eyelash extensions for mature eyes before and after picture

– Asako 🙂

Additional Readings on DivineLashes.ca: If you want to get serious with your lashes, check out the ultimate lash extension guide for every eye shape, why lash lifts on older women are a great tool in my arsenal, or my article to understand what are classic, volume, and hybrid lash extensions. Also, understanding your eyelash extension glue is a must!


  1. Dee A Glaser, Derek Jones, Jean Carruthers, Antoinette Campo, Susan Moench, Greg Tardie, Joan Largent, Carrie Caulkins (2014). Epidemiologic analysis of change in eyelash characteristics with increasing age in a population of healthy women. Retrieved from https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25347452/ (Accessed on 13, January 2022)
  2. Ann Marie Griff, O.D. (2018). Ptosis: Droopy Eyelid Causes and Treatment. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/eyelid-drooping (Accessed on 13, January 2022)

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  1. Hello,
    Thank you, for this article.
    How can I get my eyelashes extensions to lady linger.
    I read that you can put baby oil in them to do that?
    Would you recommend it?
    And what is the best natural lash serum out there ?
    Thank you.

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